
I finally have the old ME back! I used to have to take naps, and now I don’t need to. I couldn’t keep up with my family or friends, and it was very noticeable. Now I have energy to do the things I want to do!
Another big improvement for me is that my gut is so much improved. I used to be afraid to go out to dinner with friends because my gut would bother me, but now that’s gone and I can socialize again!
The shift for me became noticeable at the 60-day mark, and it continued to get better from that point.
Group Participant
I’ve got my life back. I was able to attend a family reunion and sit and talk with people for hours, and have energy to do that.
Life is very different. My husband can’t get enough hugs because he’s making up for years of not getting them. I feel better. Just little details about life that I just feel like I can think again. Lot of good changes.
Group Participant
I just felt like I regained my whole life, like I was back. My brain started working. I was engaging with my family again.
I feel like I have my life back, like somehow I regained something that I just never thought I would be able to have.
I just felt this amazing freedom that I had gained back my 20-year old self. What a great gift!
Program Participant
I feel much more energetic. I’m doing everything I want to do. I am not avoiding anything and that was a big thing before.
They (my family) are very happy. They just want mom back.
Program Participant
I was really in a bad shape. I’d seen probably close to 20 different specialists. Nobody connected the dots for me–not until I came and saw you.
I feel like I am getting my life back. If you are in the same boat that I was in, this is absolutely something that you should try.
Program Participant
When I started seeing you, I started making the changes. I started having the energy. I sleep through the night great now. I don’t have any breathing problems.
I just feel so much better–like a different person! I returned to work and I was able to write a book and take a different path with my career as a nurse.
This is like a huge success and I feel so much better! I have more energy. I don’t have the brain fog that I had. Everything is so much clearer now.
I actually crave healthier foods now. Now I think about and focus more on ingredients now and that’s huge.
Group Participant
I was in the hospital for three days, but my doctors were all amazed at how fast I’ve healed. They just kept saying, “Your baseline health is really good that you are coming back from this so fast.” And it’s just a testament to all that we’ve been doing– it’s been amazing
It hasn’t just been the physical healing. It’s been the emotional healing and how you have been so supportive and encouraging to me.
It’s been an amazing journey, for sure. It was hard the first 90 days.
I am toning up. I just literally got rid of six bags of clothes. I have given away all my 4x, 3x, 2x.
My body has been healing over this year and a half. It’s just been amazing!
Group Participant
I never thought I could feel this good! Dr. Yvonne literally saved my life!
Group Participant
Are You Ready to Take RADICAL Responsibility for Your Health?
We are ready to be your guide if YOU are ready to do the work! You don’t have to live in the shadow of yourself. We promise to give you the individualized care you need. We won’t just prescribe a quick-fix medication. We will work with you to create a customized treatment-plan that supports your goals.
You deserve better care. You deserve to live a healthier life. Step out of the shadow. You OWE this to yourself and the world! Why? Because the world needs you to step into your reason for being. Fatigue is holding you back from being who you were meant to be.
Embrace healing. Embrace life. Embrace you!