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Energy. Focus. Vitality.

Struggling with fatigue, weight gain or brain fog? You’re in the RIGHT PLACE! Let’s get you BACK to feeling like yourself again!

Could hormone imbalances be contributing to your fatigue, brain fog and mood problems?

Take my hormone quiz to find out!


At Vitality Renewal we are your

Hormone Locksmith

A locksmith looks at BOTH the KEY and the LOCK, and that’s what you really need to feel your best.
Hormone function works like this:
  • The hormone is the key
  • The receptor is the lock
  • You need BOTH to be healthy or your hormones won’t work right
We help you get the MOST out of your hormones by looking at the whole picture.
Because it takes MORE than hormones to fix your hormones.

It’s TIME to get your Life Back!

The world needs your brilliance!

You are important! You were put on this earth for a REASON and you need to SHOW UP with energy and focus to live your reason.

No more hiding. No more putting yourself on the back burner. It’s time to take radical responsibility for your health so you can get your life back!

No more managing symptoms. This the heart of functional medicine. We need to get to the root. Fatigue isn’t just part of “getting older,” and it can’t be treated with more caffeine. You CAN feel like yourself again! We are here to help.

Now. Is. YOUR. Time.

Functional Medicine helps you be your BEST

Look, if you have a broken bone or an acute infection, traditional medicine is your best bet. But for chronic conditions like fatigue, brain fog, weight struggles and mood swings, traditional medicine fails miserably! You deserve MORE than the standard answer of “it’s normal for your age” or “eat less and exercise more” or “here’s an antidepressant!”

You deserve to live your BEST life with energy and focus!

At Vitality Renewal we believe:

  • “Normal” is not good enough
  • We were created to be healthy
  • Aging is a privilege and we WANT to get old (but done right!)
  • Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal
  • You must take radical ownership of your health
  • Self-care is mandatory

Praise From Our Clients

Functional Medicine Tools We Use


At Vitality Renewal, we combine the best of traditional medical practices with innovative Functional Medicine to create a personalized healing plan. You are UNIQUE, and so is your path to healing. Below is a sampling of tools we may recommend.

Wellness Resources

Knowledge is POWER. We know YOU are in charge! We want to help you make the right decisions for YOU so you can take control of your health!

Check out our wellness resource blog to get valuable information.

Shop Our Store

Find essential oils, supplements, and self-care products. Clients receive special discounts. Learn more by talking to our team!

Stop surviving on caffeine and willpower!

Grab my free eBook and go From Fatigued To Fabulous!

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Are You Ready to Take RADICAL Responsibility for Your Health?

We are ready to be your guide if YOU are ready to do the work! You don’t have to live in the shadow of yourself. We promise to give you the individualized care you need. We won’t just prescribe a quick-fix medication. We will work with you to create a customized treatment-plan that supports your goals.

You deserve better care. You deserve to live a healthier life. Step out of the shadow. You OWE this to yourself and the world! Why? Because the world needs you to step into your reason for being. Fatigue is holding you back from being who you were meant to be.

Embrace healing. Embrace life. Embrace you!