If there is a concern on your scan, the radiologist will make a recommendation for either: 

Biopsy. This is if there’s enough concern that it is cancerous. Some specialists will require a mammogram prior to doing a biopsy. We hope this changes as QT imaging gets more exposure. 

Short-interval follow-up to evaluate doubling time. This is an excellent feature of QT. Doubling time can be used to help determine if the lesion is truly serious. Agressive cancer replicates quickly, with a short doubling time, whereas benign lesions and non-aggressive cancers have a longer time. Using doubling time can help avoid unnecessary biopsies, as well as overdiagnosis and overtreatment of very slow growing cancers. 

If your results require a biopsy we will advise you to follow up with a breast surgeon. We will provide you with options for this consultation.