Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions2022-02-03T10:16:04-06:00
Do I have to come in person to my visits or can we meet by video or phone?2022-03-29T11:43:15-05:00

If you live in Illinois, any visit can be virtual. If you live outside of Illinois the first visit must be in person. Please note that even if you live in Illinois, it is highly encouraged to come in-person for the first visit.

Besides my condition or symptoms, what are the things that would make me a good fit?2019-07-05T16:41:19-05:00

The 3 most important things are that you value your health, that you are committed to growth and that you are coachable. Dr. Karney sees people improve their health when they follow the protocols and dedicate the necessary time to healing.

Does insurance cover services at Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine?2022-03-29T11:43:56-05:00

Insurance may pay a portion of the office visits conducted during the program. You will be provided access to a super-bill at each visit that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

What is unique about Dr. Karney’s approach?2019-07-08T08:37:29-05:00

She is here to partner with you on your health journey. While she will make suggestions to you that she believes will help to improve your health, she acknowledges the importance of autonomy, and that the ultimate person in charge of your health is YOU. The number one focus is getting YOU well. Dr. Karney is open to anything that is going to help expedite the process.

It is also important to Dr. Karney to help you learn the “why” behind any recommendations and protocols. Behind the scenes, Dr. Karney is constantly researching, and communicating with colleagues around the world on the best approaches to achieve healing. She is always learning and staying in touch with the most cutting-edge research.

What is unique about Vitality Renewal Functional Medicine?2022-03-29T11:45:22-05:00
  1. The WHOLE team is here for ONE reason–to help you achieve your health goals!
  2. We are dedicated to helping you find the underlying root cause of what is causing your problems.
  3. We use a combination of traditional labs and functional labs to get the full picture of your health AND we interpret the labs results compared to OPTIMUM rather than “normal range”.
  4. We are constantly researching and evaluating new methods for reaching best health so that we can offer you the best cutting-edge therapies.
How do I book a scan?2024-10-10T10:20:24-05:00

You can schedule your scan online by calling the office hotline.

Who can book a QT scan?2024-10-10T10:20:49-05:00

The QT scan is available to women of all ages who are interested in evaluating breast health. 

Do I need a referral to have a scan done?2024-10-10T10:20:54-05:00

No. We are offering the scan to women without a referral.

Do I need to become a patient at Vitality Renewal to have a scan?2024-10-10T10:21:05-05:00

No. We are offering this revolutionary technology to all interested women, whether or not they are patients in our functional medicine practice.

What’s the difference between a screening, diagnostic and follow-up scan?2024-10-10T10:21:13-05:00

A SCREENING scan is for a woman who: 

  1. Has no significant breast concerns
  2. Reports they are here for screening 
  3. They may have an increased lifetime risk of breast cancer (family history or genetic issue) but as long as they’ve never had an abnormal biopsy 
  4. Breast implants can still be considered screening as long as meet other criteria 

A DIAGNOSTIC scan will be defined as a scan done on a woman who 

  1. Has breast-related symptoms like:
    • Breast lump, skin or nipple change, or other breast complaint
    • Cyclic breast tenderness or generalized tenderness of life-long duration does NOT count as symptomatic
  2. Known breast cancer current or past
  3. Prior abnormal pathology on breast biopsy:
    • Atypia, hyperplasia, cancer
    • Fibroadenoma is NOT abnormal pathology
    • If they don’t know the pathology then will need a diagnostic scan
  4. Requires interpretation and correlation with outside breast images (including mammograms, handheld ultrasound, automated breast ultrasound, breast thermography and breast MRI patient)
  5. Desires a “second opinion” regarding confirmation of findings from other medical providers or breast consultants  

A FOLLOW-UP scan is one recommended by interpreting radiologist in lieu of a breast biopsy. Must be performed at same facility and within 6 months of original scan. 

How much does the scan cost?2024-10-10T10:21:19-05:00

Regular screening scan: $550

Diagnostic scan: $625

Follow-up scan: $200 (single breast in question only)

Who reads the scan?2024-10-10T10:21:27-05:00

The scans are analyzed by a radiologist with special training in breast MRI and QT Technology imaging. 

How long does it take to get results and how do I get them?2024-10-10T10:21:33-05:00

The results will be delivered to you online in the portal within 1 week of your scan.

What if my results are normal?2024-10-10T10:21:42-05:00

The technology is so sophisticated that if your results are normal and you are at average risk, you can wait 2 years for a repeat scan. If you are at high risk, annual screening is recommended.

What if my results are abnormal?2024-10-10T10:21:47-05:00

If there is a concern on your scan, the radiologist will make a recommendation for either: 

Biopsy. This is if there’s enough concern that it is cancerous. Some specialists will require a mammogram prior to doing a biopsy. We hope this changes as QT imaging gets more exposure. 

Short-interval follow-up to evaluate doubling time. This is an excellent feature of QT. Doubling time can be used to help determine if the lesion is truly serious. Agressive cancer replicates quickly, with a short doubling time, whereas benign lesions and non-aggressive cancers have a longer time. Using doubling time can help avoid unnecessary biopsies, as well as overdiagnosis and overtreatment of very slow growing cancers. 

If your results require a biopsy we will advise you to follow up with a breast surgeon. We will provide you with options for this consultation. 

How can I share them with my General Practitioner?2024-10-10T10:21:54-05:00

You will have access to the report on the portal and can either print a copy or e-send it directly to your doctor.

What if I have dense breasts?2024-10-10T10:22:01-05:00

This is an excellent test for women with dense breasts. 

Can Pregnant women get the procedure done?2024-10-10T10:22:08-05:00

This test is not cleared for pregnant women. 

How soon after giving birth can I have a scan?2024-10-10T10:22:14-05:00

Breast feeding is not a contraindication to a QT scan. However, unless you have a specific concern, it may be better to wait until you are done breast feeding, as the breast tissue varies quite a lot during breast feeding.

What if I have breast implants?2024-10-10T10:22:30-05:00

Because there is no compression, the QT scan is an excellent choice for women with implants. There is no risk of implant rupture with a QT scan.

Will this be accepted by my general practitioner in place of a Mammogram?2024-10-10T10:22:34-05:00

The QT scan is not considered by the FDA or the general medical establishment to be a replacement for a mammogram. 

How do I prepare for a scan?2024-10-10T10:22:40-05:00

We recommend showering the night before or the morning of your scan. Please do not use lotion, powder, or any other products on your breasts. If you have open sores or wounds on your breasts, we will need to reschedule your appointment until it heals.

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